From: Date:2020-06-15
Light emitting techniques are usually resorted to for displays on the screens in modern times and this is achieved using light emitting diodes or LED in brief. Outdoor LED displayconstitutes one of the most effective mediums for business promotion. However, the prospective user should understand the basics of LED display and TV used for the purpose.
LED Features
Basic features of LED are as follows.
It is the short form for light emitting diode.
Basically these diodes are semiconductor light sources.
A chemical compound is used that generates light when electric lights pass through them.
LED Display
LED display can be indoor or outdoor though the uses outdoor are more common for them. There are certain common factors involved in the use of both indoor and outdoor LED displaysuch as the pixels, standard and high definitions; and above all; the viewing angles.
How LED Display Works
In essence LED display refers to the video display carried out using the diodes that emit light. These electronic devices are small in size but have excellent light generating capabilities. Some of the common uses of LED displays are in the following fields.
Traffic regulation and management using LED traffic lights that are remotely controlled.
Preparing billboards and sign boards that are dynamic in nature.
LED Display Components
Typically LED display consists of numerous LED panels. However these panels are mostly used for illumination purposes instead of generating light. Broadly speaking there are two types of panels.
Conventional panels with components like discrete LED; and
Surface mounted devices or SMD Panels.
First type of panels is commonly used and second type is used for specific projects only. When it comes to larger outdoor display screens, the conventional panels would be more suitable for installation.
Point of Difference
Points of differences between conventional panels and SMD panels are as follows.
Conventional panels are common and are also used with outdoor LED TV.
They are especially suitable for large outdoor display screens.
Various colors are grouped together in this type of panels.
SMD panels are usually put to work for indoor LED display using red, green as well as blue LEDs.
Typical LED Display
Basic characteristics of the typical LED display are that it is constituted with numerous LED panels. These panels by themselves are sources of light and help illumination rather than display.
Pixels in LED Display
Pixels play very important part in case of LED display indoors or with outdoor LED TV.
Pixels are usually mounted on computer chips.
At times they are mounted on small circuit boards.
Individual LEDs are tiny in size and even smaller than pinheads.
Difference Between Conventional and SMD LED
Main difference that exists between conventional and SMD LED is that the later type offers shorter viewing distance options for the viewers. With SMD LED panels the viewing will not only be shorter by distance but also there would be some reduction in brightness.
That is why SMD panels are not particularly suitable for outdoor LED TVwhere higher levels of brightness and distant viewing are both necessary.
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